Public Notice: Ruddy Creek Pump Station Project Environmental Review
Ruddy Creek Pump Station Project
The Sewerage Commission-Oroville Region (SC-OR) Ruddy Creek Pump Station Rehabilitation Project involves the removal and decommissioning of an existing pump station (wet well/dry well pump station and discharge pipes) and construction of a new wet well pump station with three pumps and a grinder, as well as a new discharge line under Ruddy Creek to a new manhole. Evaluations done by SC-OR indicate that installing a new wet well system will provide more efficient service and be cost-effective. The original pump station was built in 1975 and has reached the end of its useful life, as wet weather flows now exceed the station’s pumping capacity. The increase in pumping capacity is needed to meet the demand of existing flows due to infiltration and inflow (I&I)-related storm events and to serve future expansion planned for the Thermalito area. SC-OR will build a new pump station and demolish the old station on an adjacent 0.25-acre SC-OR-owned property immediately south of the existing pump station site, with an Area of Potential Effect of 0.9 acres. The new pump station will be updated with modern controls and expanded pumping capacity. The station was originally designed to serve the City of Oroville’s Airport Business Park and parts of the unincorporated area of Thermalito south of Oro Dam Boulevard and west of Harlan Avenue. This station will continue to serve those areas, and will provide additional pumping capacity for future customers, as the existing business park and neighborhoods in those areas continue to build out. Additional project description information can be found below:
Notice of Intent Ruddy Creek.pdfInitial Study Ruddy Creek.pdfMitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Ruddy Creek.pdfRuddy Creek Pump Station Site Plan.pdf